Research Stay at Kaila Lab under the supervision of Dr. Patricia Saura and Prof. Ville R.I. Kaila.
Master Student Researcher
Univ. de Barcelona + Univ. Autònoma de Barcelona
Undergraduate Researcher
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
PhD in Chemistry
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Doctoral Thesis on Design by biomolecular simulations of drugs for inflammatory-based diseases. Supervised by Prof. Àngels González Lafont and Prof. José M. Lluch. Doctoral Program in Chemistry.
MSc Erasmus Mundus in Theoretical Chemistry and Computational Modelling
Universitat de Barcelona
Master Thesis on QM/MM studies. Supervised by Prof. Carles Curutchet, Prof. Àngels González-Lafont and Prof. José M. Lluch.
BSc in Chemistry
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Bachelor Thesis on the study of azobencene as COX-2 light-activated inhibitors. Supervised by Prof. Àngels González-Lafont.
Erasmus+ in Chemistry
Uppsala Universitet
Bachelor’s specialization in Computational Chemistry.